Looking for snow in the mountains of Arosa

It was December 26 and still no snow in the lowlands of Switzerland. So I ventured into the mountains. Friends of mine have an apartment in Arosa, a well-know mountain resort, and invited me to stay with them for a few days between Christmas and New Years. So I was able to escape the gray, wet cold and enjoy snow and sun. What a wonderful experience it was!

Below are my friend Bente, her daughter, Christina, and Amy, Christina’s dog, And there is snow, finally!


Bente and  Christa



Christina and Amy

After a day of sledding, we relax at home in the cozy apartment.


And more snow and sunshine.


And here a few “Stimmungsbilder” (atmospheric pictures) of a winter evening in the mountains.



After a few days of delightful weather and great company, it’s back down to the foggy gray. But my nephew and our new family member, Owen, an Irish Setter puppy, made the return worthwhile!


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4 Responses to “Looking for snow in the mountains of Arosa”

  1. Darlene Foster Says:

    Although I try to stay away from snow, it certainly makes a beautiful landscape. I was so happy to see Owen. What a sweetie. Looks like you are having a great time. Are you doing any writing?

  2. Monster A GoGo Says:

    Did you see Santa? Did your alphorn lessons come in handy? Fab-o-rama snow! But sad your valley didn’t get any…global climate change sucks! CHEERS!

  3. Christa Polkinhorn Says:

    Hi Darlene and Monster A GoGo. Thanks for dropping by. Been very lazy about writing, Darlene. I hope to pick it up again when I’m back in California. Too many other activities in Switzerland right now. Monster: Unfortunately, I had no chance to show my alphorn skills!

  4. Monster A GoGo Says:

    That’s okay. I do look forward to your alphorn disco album where you invite folks to yodel along to a disco beat! Yeah, baby! It will be a sensation (or possibly trigger an avalanche! Good thing you’re out of the mountains now). CHEERS!

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