Posts Tagged ‘masks’

Fashion in the Times of the Virus

Saturday, April 4th, 2020

Dear Friends,

These are trying times indeed; our lives are in turmoil. Remember though this too will pass. Not sure when, but there will be an end to it. In the meantime, why not have some fun with the new Mask Fashion? I finally have the opportunity to wear my many scarves! You all know of course that wearing a mask, in particular a home-made one, is only an added precaution to physical distancing, washing hands, staying home etc. etc.

Here are a few samples of my creative attempt. And yes, you can laugh!







While I hunker down at home, I try to be creative in other ways as well. I’m learning to play the guitar, even take singing lessons (via Zoom), and of course write. Writing has been a slow process, but I do have a skeleton of a manuscript for a new novel with the working title Letter from a Cave. But more about that in my next post.

Just taking this opportunity to wish you well and hopefully bring a smile to your face. Stay safe, stay home, stay calm, and stay healthy.