Posts Tagged ‘Wild West’

Train Ride from the Grand Canyon to Williams a la Wild West

Thursday, June 30th, 2022

After enjoying the spectacular view of the Grand Canyon, it was time to head back on the train. On the way to the Grand Canyon the host in our car gave us a lot of interesting details about the history of the train. On the ride back, however, we got a touch of the old and wild West!

All of a sudden, our host told us that we were being attacked by train robbers. Sure enough, two men on horseback, shooting their pistols, overtook the train. You can spot one of them through the train window on the next picture!



And before we “terrified” passengers knew it, they were inside the train, “forcing” us to hand over one dollar or ??! Well, we didn’t wait for the “or.”

Here they are, those railway robbers!





Finally, the Sheriff shows up–too late as usual.


They escaped with our dollars–but the whole excitement was worth it.

Back in Williams, we admired one more time the loyal old train engine. It was a wonderful experience!

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